Most insurance agencies, large and small, are still selling “by the seat of their pants”. Agents try to take advantage of any opportunity that arises, but they don’t actively cause those opportunities to develop.
The Agency Consulting Group can assist you in the creation and implementation of your agency’s short and long range sales objectives. Included in the scope of the Sales Planning consultation are:
* A Marketing Strategic Plan
* Producer Acquisition
* Producer Goal Setting
* Producer Monitoring Devices
* Personal Lines and Commercial Lines Sales Centers
* The development of targeted Marketing Plans
Marketing Strategic Plan –
permits the agency to develop long range marketing and sales programs to penetrate a geographic area or a specialty client base. The Marketing Strategic Plan also permits development of short and long term marketing budgets and cost/benefit analysis to calculate the return on your marketing programs.
Producer Acquisition –
whether you target the acquisition of a) experienced producers (with or without books of business), of b) experienced sales professionals without insurance knowledge, or c) sales talented newcomers to the industry, Agency Consulting Group can assist you. We will help you develop a set of procedures for any of these acquisition methods that will assure you maximum success in your selection process.
Producer Goal Setting –
Realistically determines each producer’s New Business and Retention projections based on that producer’s historical performance and his/her earnings expectations.
Producer Monitoring –
Hiring producers and setting goals don’t matter if you have no way of tracking the producer’s success. Agency Consulting Group’s monitoring program provides an MIS (Management Information System) to measure each producer’s activity. this will provide management with an early warning system if a producer’s activity is not sufficient to assure attainment of production goals.
Sales Center –
Sales Center is a targeted telemarketing device that has been in use since the 1950’s. Popularized in the last decade, Agency Consulting Group can show you how to get your “suspects”, how to develop them into “prospects” and how to convert them into customers by a combination of mail, phone and personal visits.
Targeted Marketing Plans –
This process permits an agency to a) identify it’s marketing strengths, b) identify the available market segments for the agency, c) qualify which segments are targets of the agency’s carriers, and d) how to reach commitments to and from carriers that will permit you to achieve greater success in your marketing efforts.
Your agency should explore each of these issues in your marketing efforts. If you have the facilities to do so in house, you will develop a more disciplined and organized sales and marketing effort. If you’d like to develop Sales Planning for your agency but do not have the skills to do so in house, we invite you to call us for assistance.