No one seems to win when litigation is the only solution. That’s why we offer conflict resolution mediation for all forms of agency disputes. We are an objective third party, well-schooled in insurance agency norms of operation and can provide realistic win/win solutions to most intra-agency disputes.
However, when litigation is the only answer, an agency often needs an expert to support logical and reasonable approaches to litigation that will solidify your chances of success. With over 40 years of industry and agency experience and many court cases behind me, I may be able to provide that level of impartial expertise that can resolve court cases, often before they ever reach the courtroom.
If you feel that you have a need for an expert witness, either call me or have your attorney call me and discuss the scenario. We will quickly determine whether or not I can help you in your case.
And, since most attorneys have little experience in the insurance industry, I can also provide litigation support to assist in discovery requests, depositions and even in the courtroom to alert the legal staff to discrepancies and inconsistencies in opposing arguments or testimony with respect to agency norms and common practices.
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